We have sacrificed civil discourse and civil society on the altar of political correctness, and the youth of America are the residual victims of this fatal mentality. We are no longer able to discuss the condition of our neighborhoods, cities and states without being labeled a racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, sexist or whatever label fits the occasion. The result has been the loss of freedom and utter chaos in the classrooms and in the streets.
It is time to stop censoring words and get back to censoring bad behavior. It is time to engage in open dialogue about what is happening in our country and around the world without name-calling and mud-slinging. Believe it or not, it is okay to disagree. A difference of opinion is not automatically hate speech. It is simply a different perspective—looking at life through the prism of the beliefs we were raised with. As long as our beliefs and perspectives are not harmful to others, there should be no reason we should be forced to change them.
I do not consider myself a racist and would never use a derogatory term when addressing or referring to a person of another race, creed or color, but over the years, when I have seen the riots in Los Angeles, California; Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland, my first thought was, Those thugs are ruining the neighborhoods of good, decent people. They were not raised right.
Now, I realize it may not be their parents fault, but my parents and grandparents used to always tell me and all the young people in our family, “Do not do things that will bring shame to the family.” They realized they would be judged by our actions. If we were not civilized young people, it was a reflection on them.
After the riots in Baltimore, a number of leaders were offended by the use of the word “thug” in regards to those burning cars and businesses and creating general havoc around the city. They seemed to be more offended by the term “thug” than by the actions of the people and claimed using the word was racist. The Oxford Dictionary defines “thug” as “a violent person, especially a criminal.” There is nothing racists about this word. It is used in reference to a person’s actions, not their appearance. When any person is rioting, destroying the personal property of others, causing havoc and mayhem and forcing law-abiding citizens to hide in their homes, they are a thug—plain and simple.
I must confess; I would most likely be labeled an Islamophobic. While I did see the movie, American Sniper, I was concerned about radical Islam long before I saw the film. It in no way caused or enhanced my concern. My wariness of Islam began as I saw and heard about the beheading of innocent men, the pillaging of towns and villages, women and children raped and murdered, holy sites desecrated and destroyed and threats of death to every person who does not subscribe to the religion of Islam. I realize not all Muslims are in agreement with these actions, but I cannot identify the good guy from the bad guy, so wary I will be.
I think it is important to point out; my opinion is not based upon their appearance. It is based on their actions. As a Christian, I know radical Islam hates me. As a person who loves and supports Israel and the Jewish people, I am a target for radical Islam. I have seen how ISIS treats Christians and I do not consider myself an Islamophobe. I think I am a realist. They hate me and everyone like me.
Before you get too excited, it is important to look at what Islamophobia is. Oxford Dictionary defines it as, “Dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.” By definition, I do not qualify as an Islamophobic because there is no hate or malice in my heart towards Muslims. I just really wish they would stop killing people indiscriminately and abusing women and children. That seems like a reasonable request.
I could go on and on about the labels the politically correct like to use, but I think I have made my point. We have a big problem in our society. People are becoming more and more violent and instead of calling them on the carpet for their actions, people are giving them a pass. When you say someone is a racist or Islomophobic just because they are against violent behavior, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
It is time for people to take responsibility for their actions. It is time for people to be punished for committing crimes. Do not make excuses for them. Do not criticize those who would enforce the laws. If you do not want your child to be called a thug, teach him or her not to participate in criminal activity. If you are offended when someone criticizes Islam, stand up and denounce the actions of ISIS.
I will not be bullied into being politically correct. I will not be silenced by those who do not want to face the truth. I do not care what label you may want to slap on me. I know who I am. I am a child of God. I love people and I love my country. I will not bow to those who have embraced lawlessness in their desire to be politically correct.
~Staff Writer