Halloween, originally All Hallows’ Eve, causes many Christian families distress. At this time of year, you cannot miss the secular celebration coming on October 31. You cannot miss it and you cannot ignore it, especially if you have children. You may recognize the darkness behind this celebration, but your young children only see the Spiderman, Star Wars and Frozen costumes. They want to be a superhero or a princess, so how do you tell them, “We do not celebrate Halloween?” Believe me, no matter what you say to them, a young child, under the age of 10 will not understand anything about the satanic undertones and they may not even agree with you until they are well into the teens.
Halloween has always been focused on the youth. Every one of us can remember looking at costumes and thinking of how we wanted to dress up for Halloween. Even the most jaded and cynical child looked forward to Halloween, just for the free candy. They could smear some of their mother’s make-up on their faces and wear some weird outfit and get a bag full of candy. Let’s face it. Every kid wants the free candy.
I am sure, everything I have said you already know, but what you want to know is what to do. What do you do with your children on Halloween? What do you say to them when they ask to go trick or treating? If you are single, you want to know what to do for all the kids knocking on the door.
As Christians, I think we all have to recognize who is in control—who is the Lord of our lives. God created all things. He has given us every day of life. Psalm 118:24 says: This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Halloween does not belong to Satan. It is a day the Lord has made and we will rejoice in Him. We will not give one day to Satan. We will not celebrate him and his evil intentions. We will not expose out children to the things of darkness but will keep them in the light, just as John told us: But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7).
That is the heart and soul behind Camp Jubilee. On October 31, Calvary Chapel Golden Springs will be transformed into the camp of the Lord. There will be food booths, games, worship, dancing and CANDY. Yes, there will be candy for the kids! They do not have to yell trick or treat. They can get candy just by playing a game or visiting a food booth, and there will be plenty of candy for everyone.
Camp Jubilee is one of the biggest events we do at CCGS. The Lord has blessed us, as thousands of children with their families visit us on October 31, many are not Christians, but they want a safe and happy place to bring their children. Join us for the Lord’s day, Friday, October 31, and rejoice with us!
~Staff Writer