
Never Forget

It has often been said, “As soon as you are dead, you are forgotten.” Frankly, nowadays it is hard to remember the names of the living. How many times do you run into someone you know and to your embarrassment have forgotten their name?  Once they have moved on having said there goodbyes you turn to a friend and whisper, “What was their name again?”

Today the horror of 9/11, referring to September 11, 2001, flashes back into our minds; the day our country was attacked. This is a day ‘We Will Never Forget,’ these penetrating words jog our sluggish memories . . . Envisioned are the two unstoppable planes that deliberately flew through both the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The frightening explosions, massive plumes of smoke rose into the blue sky as the buildings blazed in a fiery inferno. Yes, unthinkable atrocities did happen as we remember the reality of a well-planned Al-Qaeda terrorist attack.

Loud sounds of multiple sirens rang throughout the streets of Lower Manhattan as emergency vehicles carried the brave heroes of those who rushed to the panicked scene. Outside ash covered people screamed and ran for their lives. Frantic victims inside the buildings sought for an escape route; many scampered down a darkened stairwell. Others, trapped with no way out, decided to jump rather than burn.  In shock and disbelief, onlookers with hand over mouth, watched as the two Twin Towers, one after another, plummeted into the ground. Falling concrete caused anyone left in the building and those too close to them to perish.

To everyone’s dismay, this day of horror was not over. The news stunned America and the world with stories of two more hijacked planes. As one plummeted into the Pentagon; the other was headed for Washington D. C. but was overcome by brave passengers that caused the plane to crash in Pennsylvania.

However, those who have lost loved ones ‘Never Forget.’ There is an empty chair at the dinner table, to remind them of the loved one missing for the rest of their mournful days. On September 11, memorial services are held to honor the dead all around the country. The names of those who died are solemnly read, pictures are shown and flowers are laid lovingly on their still and lifeless grave. Once again we remember we were a nation in mourning. God is sought for comfort and churches are filled with the grieving.

It is good that we run to our God in times of tragedy for His divine comfort but seeking God should be done constantly, every day. Where are all those people now? Let us never forget our God. He is the God of all comfort.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

–Staff Writer

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